Monday 31 August 2020

Ridiculous key!

 What if you showed kindness you had to sing about it.

I would not like that(I suck at singing!)  But if someone showed kindness and had to sing about it would be a like a concert! You you like that if you had to sing a song if you showed kindness

Why Do You Get Goose Bumps When Someone Sings Beautifully? | Wonderopolis

Wednesday 26 August 2020

Prediction Key

What would it be like if people didn't show kindness in the class?

It wouldn't be really good just imagine if the teacher weren't nice too! Man would the principals office be full for ever! What if you got bullied all day long even THE WHOLE TIME YOU WOULD BE AT SCHOOL! I would not like that at all you would you ?

How can you show kindness to famliy

  1. Chores
  2. helping the with stuff
  3. walk the pets
  4. help provide food 
  5. complete them