Thursday 7 December 2023

Learning relection final week 9

 Final Learning Reflection

Our Project Planner (Milestone 1)

Final Learning Reflection

Milestone 1

1. Planning

Looking back at the planning we did at the start, I think…

We should've stuck to our original idea that we came up with. Which was what was the most beneficial way of making power for Otaki?

Having had the experience of this project, if I was planning another project I would…

I would Make it something that everyone is interested in. I would rather do my English, Social and Science classes.

2. Process

Links to our Group Planners:

Time management and workflow

Looking back at how well we planned and then recorded each week's and day's work and managed our time, I think….

I think we did it quite good keeping up with all the tasks we were given each day.

Another time, I would…

I wouldn't do anything different because we were keeping up with our task.

Collaborative skills

Considering how our group managed our relationships, discussions, decisions, and the way we shared out and contributed to the work, I think… We all listened to each others opinions and weren't rude to the others ideas.

In future, I would… Do one thing that some-one suggested so it's all even and we can say that we did something instead of just one person doing it. Like splitting up all the questions so everyone can answer at least one.

3. Research

Our Research Process (Milestone 2) - link or embed the doc

Research process

Looking at our research and comparing it to what other groups did, I think…

Personally I think we did well like the other groups and their presentations.

4. Planning and Preparing our Presentation

Our Presentation Ideas (Milestone 3)  - link or embed the doc

Our presentation Ideas

Looking back now at how we planned and prepared our presentation, I think…

We did good at putting everything together and doing research and didn't change that much stuff that we planned from the start.

5. Showcase Day

Our Presentation (Final Product/s)

Embed or link all the slideshows and docs you created - your finished products.


Include photos or videos.

At the bottom

Include a photo of your display board or your display at the Showcase Day.

Looking back on Showcase Day, you might want to consider some of the following questions:

What worked well for Showcase Day, and why? What didn't work well and why? Did you vote on the projects? Why or why not? Did you have a team member with your display at all times? Why or why not? Did you stay and talk about your project? Why/Why not? Were you able to answer visitor questions?

My positives for Showcase Day were…. because…. People were actually interested in our presentation and peoples family came to support. Because it was for our small community.

6. Reflection on the Project

a) What skills did you use, learn or develop during this project which will be helpful in your life beyond school? How to communicate in a group with people I didn't know.

b) Would you like to do more of this kind of learning next year?

    Personally no, I would rather do my English, Social and Science.

c) What did you learn from this process that will help with future projects?

      To keep up with your group. Especially when your not at school that much. 

d) What advice would you give to the teachers if they are running this or something similar in the future?

Have a vote so we can pick what topic to do the project about. Like the year 9's with their Passion projects.

Thursday 30 November 2023

Learning reflection week 8

  1. What have you achieved/learned/found out since your last post?

I have achieved finishing my board and having to do one more thing and we are done for the project.

2. How effectively have you used your time this week?

Finished out board

3. How have you contributed to your group’s progress?

Helped print the slides out and glue them

4. something that is going well in your project

We are nearly finished

5. Something you need to work on

Make a solar panel

6. Where could you get help with this?

Google and the teachers.

7. What are the next steps for your project?

  Make something.

We are doing an experiment  with boxes and a hand made solar oven to see the difference between them and how they heat up water. 

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Learning reflection week 7

 1. What have you achieved/learned/found out since your last post?

Making the slides look more presentable

2. How effectively have you used your time this week?

I was hardly here but when I was I was finishing my work.

3. How have you contributed to your group’s progress?

Helping out with the slides.

4. Something that is going well in your project.

The research and everyone participating.

5. Something you need to work on.

Coming to school more so I can engaged

6. What are the next steps for your project?

Figure out how to present it and make some thing intractable for people.

Thursday 16 November 2023

Learning reflection week 5 & 6


Who's in my group? I have Rose, David, Jayden and Zion 

Our question is What is most beneficial way making power for Otaki 

1. How effectively have you used your time this week?

  Writing down some of the answers and thinking of questions.

Then in week 6 I was sick

2. How have you contributed to your group’s progress?


3. Glows: something that is going well in your project?

The group working well together.

4. Grows: Something you need to work on:

Being more involved

5. Where could you get help with this?

Talking and communicating

6. What are the next steps for your project?

Creating the slide show and re searching.

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Sad joke on a Marae

Hi my name is Lyla, and in my English we are doing a poem called "Sad joke on a Marae."

The poem is written by Apirana Taylor and it is about a guy called Tu, he grew up not knowing really about his culture. He said in the poem that jail was his home and the only Maori he knew was Tihei Mauriora. 

Here is the link for the poem so you can read it!

Te Tiriti part 2

 Personally I think the Queen is a shady shark for making the British steal land from the Maori. I think the British lied to the Maori to get them to sign the Tiriti. They may have  translated it incorrectly on purpose.   The reason for this is because they did not want the Maori chiefs to be aware that they would lose Maori sovereignty and self governance.

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Te Tiriti


Our class is learning about the Treaty of Waitangi. In this picture the wave represents Te Tiriti. Every person on the picture represents a different meaning, I am the person sitting be hind the hill because I hear a lot of people talking about Treaty of Waiangi but i'm not sure what it is about.